Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Shield Bash Taunt Cycle

I have now completed my second animation for my class. This taunt cycle animation took about 2 weeks again. I had my first pass of the animation critiqued by an alumni from my school, and from the notes I received I came to the conclusion that if I was to make it better I needed to start over. So I stripped all the animation back to the key poses. Below you will find my first, second, and final passes of the cycle. (In order of final pass on top, first pass on bottom)

The body mechanics rig I used in this one is named Ugg, and was rigged by Joe Daniels.

This is the final piece.

 Here is the second pass on the animation.

And lastly, here is the first pass.

Monday, February 3, 2014


This term I am planning on doing at least four game animations. The first one I did was an idle and it took just under two weeks to finish.

I used a body mechanics rig named Jack, made by Joe Daniels.

My first idle animation from Adam Johnson on Vimeo.

Getting Out of a Chair Exercise

Here is an animation I did during my previous term. I wanted to practice animating and decided to go with a man getting out of a chair.

The rig I used was Morpheus.

Getting Out of a Chair Animation Exercise from Adam Johnson on Vimeo.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Hello there! My name is Adam Johnson and I am a student studying 3D animation. I plan to post updates about what I am currently working on and all the stuff I work on in the future.

Like I mentioned earlier, I am a student and am about to graduate from Ex'pression College for Digital Arts in July this year. I have a lot of work ahead of me, so buckle up and enjoy the ride!